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/ All Our Yesterdays 1: Portraits / All Our Yesterdays 1: Portraits.iso / mac / CONTENT / User Guide / Page m12.tiff (.png) < prev    next >
Tagged Image File Format  |  1995-08-25  |  374KB  |  486x648  |  4-bit (9 colors)
Labels: dialog box | monitor | sky | window
OCR: Ruxi image Proeshe Uevecer's You also can change the view using the View menu Find button Use the Find button ta search the catalog for thumbnails with specific char acteristics. Kudo searches the catalog and displays the thumbnails that were identified in the search. All other thumbnails are hidd en from view For exam ple if you search the catalog s notes for client name Kudo only displays the thumbnails with that in form. ation Kudo will nat delete or edit the remaining thumbnails; it just hides therm from view To retum tc the full use Find search the catal log for 'Everything choose All" from the Image menu When you select the Find feature, Kudo displays a dialog Use the pull down menu to tell Kudo the thumbnail char act teristic should search. You can search by name size kind creator d ...